We were brought in to create and develop a website for the upcoming conference in Thailand on the topic of sustainable development and business excellence - the topic was the key g

The Faculty of Health Sciences realizes that students are the most important and therefore guides them during their educational journey to realize the most of their potential and f

We developed an information system for student offices and optimized the process for offices, who yearly process over 30.000 application papers. Making systems more user friendly c

One of the most important companies in the Slovenian energy sector deserves an outstanding website. We developed a website that has a corporate, presentational and an educationally

Through modern website design, accessible from any device, we gave Proconi a digital chance to tell their story, vision, mission, and their production program. The website was impl

We designed and developed a beauty, fashion and lifestyle platform that allows women to connect and get informed with the latest beauty and fashion tips. Due to Mična's involvemen